Sunday, March 9, 2014

Un mundo de acro iris

 I have read many poems in my lifetime but it wasn't until I started my undergraduate degree that I found poems that were the most beautifully written poems I have ever read. I came across this poem while researching for a project that I had to do for one of my undergraduate classes. The poem uses color to represent different races and colors around the world and that all of these colors make up a beautiful "arco iris", which means rainbow. I think that this poem is extremely helpful in guiding students to become more accepting of not only other people but of themselves. I love the imagery that is used in this poem to represent the different races in a lighthearted and tasteful way. The rosas, roses, represent people as well. When you think of a rose, you automatically think of beauty and love and that's how all people should be viewed. This poem forces the reader to see that without all of the different colors of the rainbow, or different types of people in the world, the world would be a boring and bland place to live in. The message behind this poem is so powerful, but was made in such a simple and beautiful way.        

Un mundo de arco iris 
por Florencio Santos Arranz 

                                         Si ves una rosa azul
dice una mariposa.
Si ves una rosa
dice un arroyo.
Si ves una rosa
dice una nube.
Si ves estas rosas
todos los niños de este mundo.
Pero me faltan los niños
me faltan las rosas
¿Es que no son hermosas?
¿Es que no son hermosos?
Combina los colores
y tendrás
todas las rosas.

Rosas azules rojas amarillas
y negrasy niños negros amarillos rojos
y azules,
con todos los colores del arco iris 
que yo para vosotros, queridos
yo quiero.

-Dicen la mariposa el arroyo y la nube


lifetime: the term of a life

represent: express

races: group of related people

guiding: force to move in certain path

imagery: use mental pictures to convey meaning

lighthearted: cheery; joyful 

tasteful: good taste 

Vocabulary Activity: Unscramble the words using your definitions as clues.

1.the term of a life
temiefil                       ________________

2. express
tnreperse                    ________________

3. group of related people
sarec                          ________________

4. force to move in certain path
gugdini                        ________________

5. use mental pictures to convey meaning
ygemair                      ________________

6. cheery; joyful 
reathilhtgde                ________________

7. good taste 
luastetf                     ________________

Grammar point: In english, we add "s" to show plurality of a noun. ex: one bike; two bikes.

Grammar Activity: Circle all of the singular nouns and underline all of the plural nouns written above.

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